Monday, July 5, 2010

Ooops--Missed Post from Abilene

I thought I had more photos from Abilene and just found them in the wrong folder on my computer! On my last day in town, I met some friends for lunch and kept Aidan and Ally while Susan was at work. I love Hickory Street Cafe and its world famous chicken salad and zucchini bread! My sweet friend Paula had lunch with us--we went to high school together many years ago and then worked together at the Rehab for several years (also pretty far back now!) We hadn't seen each other in a long time but reconnected on Facebook. It was great to see her and catch up a little bit. We also had fun chatting with Judy and Jean. Thanks, gals, for making the time to come see us!

After lunch, I had a little bit of time to kill before Susan got off work so stopped by West Texas Rehab, where I worked for many, many years. I hadn't been there in quite awhile. Here's Jean, who had lunch with us but I failed to get her photo there, and another long time dear friend, Mary Lou. It was old-home week at Rehab, with several former employees now working there again. I felt like I'd never left!

And my friend Kim with one of her patients--so good to see her after all this time. I also got to see several more old friends but my camera died so it's not documented. :(

Darling Ally riding in the car. What a sweet girl!

Aidan, our Number One Boy.
After Rehab, we met up with Susan and ran to see Karen at her office before I boarded the plane. Karen's mom has been in the hospital so we had not been able to get together during our short visit, but couldn't leave town without a quick chat and lots of hugs. And we're sending up lots of good wishes for her mom.
Gigi and Ally

Karen and Aidan in her office at the dialysis center

Gigi and Aidan (almost getting too big for my lap but I don't want to give that up!)

Susan about to take me to the airport. Goodbyes are no fun! We had a great time and I am looking forward to the next trip, as always! Love y'all!

Karen with the kids.

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