Yes, it's April, late April, but it's been snowing in Unalaska. Ajax wishes for a fireplace but the best he can do is lie in front of the space heater to warm up. I regularly join him, plopping down on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. Toasty!
Friday I was supposed to walk in the Earth Day 5K with some friends but everything seemed very disorganized and it was cold and rainy outside which, along with my sore throat and sniffles, were sufficient excuses for me to blow it off. I had considered going to the community center and walking the track instead but did not do that either. Let's see, since I've been home, my good intentions to get back into the gym have resulted in attendance at one cardio kickboxing class on Wednesday. Ugh.
It snowed for several days, we had a "white Easter" and I spent the whole weekend in the house, battling the aforementioned cold/flu/whatever I have that only seems to be getting worse. After enjoying the rest of his vacation days around the house, Rich went back to work on Saturday to prep for Easter brunch and had to go in very early on Sunday to assure that everything went well for the customers. I didn't feel like getting out at all so I contented myself with getting some chores done, reading, messing around on the computer, playing numerous games of Scrabble on Facebook with my mom, sister, and friends, and catching up on my postcrossing postcards. Easter was pretty quiet with no kids or grandkids around but I was able to talk with everyone on the phone, at least, and thanks to the wonders of Facebook, to see their cute photos almost immediately. It would have been fun to have them here, dressed up in their Easter clothes, hunting eggs (in the snow?) and oohing and aahing over their Easter baskets. :)
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