Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No, I have not disappeared, but...

I think this is the longest I have ever gone without posting!  We are having major internet troubles at our house and I have not been able to get them resolved through Tech Support over the phone.  Took our modem to the local office to have it checked that was not the problem. Now we are waiting for someone to come to the house and troubleshoot.  Meanwhile, I can't be messing with all of my "personal" online stuff at work so the blog and facebook and emails have fallen by the wayside.  It is very frustrating!!  But bear with me and hopefully I will soon be back in cyberspace.

There's lots going on and I have some photos to post when I get back on. We had live local theater last Friday and Saturday night with Linda Ellsworth and Anne Hillman putting on a two woman show called "Grace and Glorie." They both did a great job with a story that was a mixture of sweet and funny and sad. Really fun to get to see live theater for a change, too!

Saturday I was busy all day with Unalaska Community Broadcasting's annual membership meeting. We celebrated 25 years since our articles of incorporation were filed, though local TV and radio have actually been around since the mid-1970's. We had food, games, a silent auction and election of Board members.

Sunday I tried to get some work done for my "old" job, still a few things pending even though I am officially off the payroll. I may never really leave. LOL The main office in Anchorage sent me a gorgeous print called "Aleut Town Girl" as a going-away present. I was surprised and touched since I had only been with the agency for four years and did not expect that I was "entitled" to anything upon leaving. Rich and I had just purchased some frames and tried to find some spots in our limited wall space to hang the other artwork we've accumulated lately. Now I am not sure where to put this new piece! My coworker Anne suggested what she calls "the Scottish method," which entails hanging artwork up to the ceiling. It kinda made me laugh after I had just been lecturing Rich about hanging everything at eye level.

I've been reading a lot more lately and haven't had time to enter the titles on my 100 book challenge list, but there will be several more books added soon. My sister recommended A Private History of Awe, which I just finished and loved. I was going to post a paragraph from the book but don't have it with me so that will wait.

Rich and I are going to Portland on the 26th but hopefully I will be back online before that day arrives!

And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Bonnie and David tomorrow, March 18th! We love you and wish you the best year yet!


Kathi said...

Sorry to hear about your 'net problems! Hopefully your troubleshooter will figure it out. Glad you liked the book, too! I just finished a Young Adult book-I try to read as many as I can so that I can recommend them (or not) to my school kids. I liked the book a lot (Pieces of Me- I think), but it's for older teens- some stuff in it about which parents of middle schoolers would be appalled- even though it's nothing new to middle school kids (sexual feelings, that is). Sounds like things in Unalaska are hopping as usual! Hope to see you back on soon...

Suzassippi said...

Wondered what had happened to you. My last email bounced saying your mailbox was full. :) I hope you are corrected soon--miss hearing from you.

In my former life, I had pictures all the way from the floor to the ceiling--I loved it as you could just go on a visual odyssey any time you wanted. I say go for the total wall covering. :)

Alaska Steve said...

I wondered where you were but figured I'd at least see you Sunday night - hope the new job is going well - cheers, steve